Lorem Ipsum

Mach es besonders

Was auch immer es ist – die Art und Weise, wie du deine Geschichte online vermittelst, kann einen gewaltigen Unterschied ausmachen.


Lorem Ipsum

Mach es besonders

Was auch immer es ist – die Art und Weise, wie du deine Geschichte online vermittelst, kann einen gewaltigen Unterschied ausmachen.


Starting that one with being infected with the virus 🦠and now a few hours before New Year’s Eve I’m reflecting that I have worked a lot on my health.

Even though it wasn’t on purpose. Things just fell into place naturally.

I changed the quality of my water 💧and with it my energy level and the conditions of my hair and skin.

I started practicing yoga on a daily basis and my body changed.

I have never been as fit as I’m now with 41. I’m excited to follow that path… especially since I’m finally allowed to teach yoga classes (with one year of delay). I’m more than grateful and it feels so uplifting to be in the space with my students. I leave the classes with a big warm feeling in my chest. It gives me total JOY and the beautiful feeling of doing something with purpose. Finally!!! And yes it’s true, if you do something that you’re totally aligned with, it doesn’t feel like work at all. Often it’s even the opposite, I come home energized and happy! A big thank you to all of my yoga students that we are in this space together to grow and explore, body, mind and soul. Thank you for trusting me and for your commitment to stick to your practice. I can see how much I have grown in a very short period of time and I sense the huge cosmos of possibilities the yoga space has to offer. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 🧘🏼‍♀️💫 What else was important? The wonderful @Marion Mietke initiated me into the Reiki degrees I and II, which gave me the opportunity to share the universal life energy with various people from different countries. Especially while traveling through Mexico and Spain the interest was big to experience that kind of energy work and I connected with beautiful souls that I now call my friends. At times it felt and still feels quite challenging for me to deal with the ongoing worldwide process of separation that also effected a few of my relationships and created space between us. On the other hand it deepened and reconnected me with loved ones that I haven’t been in contact with for a while. I leave this year with mixed emotions… and I’m ready for a new and fresh one!

Summer 2020

Summer 2020


Pause. I’m taking my time to reflect on the last 12 months. It’s crazy, last summer feels like another life, but it‘s just a few months that have passed. What has changed? Where do I stand now?

I’m so much calmer, lifted by a deep feeling of gratitude, which shifted me into a state of inner peace, that allows me to differentiate between the things that are meant for me and the things that are not my topics, that I can let go of. I’m aligned with myself, I’m confident in what I do. I identify 100% with my work. I’m authentic in the way that I connect with others. I feel light and natural by doing that. I get up between 5 and 6 in the morning, just because it excites me to work on my business, to see my creative ideas coming to life, to connect with people that I feel drawn to and to receive the next piece of the puzzle.

The vision I built up a year ago is becoming reality. I gained clarity on how I want to live. I figured my highest values in life and how to stick to them. I’m brave enough to follow my path and give myself time to slow down, whenever I need it. No time to rush and push myself through a life that others expect me to live. I know, I don’t have to do this on my own. Life is meant to be fun and I reach out to others, talk about my needs and dreams to work on this together. I’m open to recognize the signs that I‘ve been given and take action, whenever it’s needed to push myself towards my goals. I know where I’m going. Finally!?

I feel strong, powerful and loved❤️. I know that I’m able to create these feelings on my own. I’m not in need of receiving those emotions from an outside reaction of others. I invest in myself and explore further, whenever I feel stuck. Sometimes it’s hard to dig deep and look at certain emotions to find the roots of my behavior, but it is always rewarding and leaves me with deep satisfaction. I achieved so much, that it really feels like starting a new life, while being grateful for all the years and experiences I had before. They all led to my process of personal growth. No hard feelings or bitterness left, just a joy of what will follow.

Could I have started this process earlier, NO WAY - I needed full commitment to myself! The old patterns, even though they didn’t fit me for a long time, gave me enough comfort to stay, wait and wonder about the same repeating situations. Once I made the decision to change and explore, what else life has to offer and took every chance I could to follow this adventure, I also decided to get help whenever I felt it would be useful to overcome an obstacle or a feeling of uncertainty to take the next step.

Is there anything that relates to you? Are you ready to find the power that is within you and follow your own path?? A transformation requires full commitment. If you feel, it’s time for you to start your journey, I invite you to reach out to me!

2019 -my year of TRANSFORMATION!

When a friend took this picture last New Year´s Eve, I wasn´t aware that the most challenging year had just begun. 2018, a year of great exhaustment and grief had just ended and 2019 was putting me out of my comfort zone again. This time I luckily realized that I can activly choose to turn this into a process of GROWTH. It felt like I needed change in every area of my life. So, I started with small things like the daily forest bathing to connect myself with nature again. Travelling all by myself, what I hadn´t done, for quiet a few years felt so naturally and I found all the answers I needed far away from home. I was curious what visions of life other people created for themselves and opend up to let these people and ideas in. There are many things that I tried for the first time in my life and I found it very rewarding to let many of my fears go. I became very grateful for the things that I have and freed myself from limiting believes that would keep me in the system. I found my path... and I can´t wait what 2020 will bring up!

Thanks to every single one of you, who was with me on this journee this year and made it so very special!!! Love you all!

New Year´s Eve 2019

New Year´s Eve 2019